Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Aroura Australis

The ship, not the phenomena!
I have to stop calling the ship a boat or the crew will get angry and refuse to feed me any of the fantastic food on board! Here's a view from the Helipad on the back of the ship as we steamed out of Hobart. The first night on the boat was pretty good as the waters were relatively calm and everyone managed to get some sleep after a few frantic weeks of saying goodbyes and organising their affairs. It wasn't long however before the boat started to rock and several people spent a lot of time in their bunks. I was a bit queezy and went off my food or a while, but held up better than I thought I might (those little pills the doctor gave us were great, but they really put you to sleep). So spent the it few days dosed up on drugs slowly getting used to the swell and not getting uot of my bed much. Eventually I got outside and got some pics of the boat rocking around, but I missed getting shots of the really bad stuff. The one shown here is of Dave (who is heading to Mawson) on the heli-deck coping with the roll!

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